Cowboy Capital of the World

Housing Element
Oakdale 2024 Housing Element Update
The City of Oakdale has undertaken a comprehensive update of the Housing Element within the framework of Oakdale's General Plan, ensuring preparedness to address future housing needs. As per California State law, each city and county, including Oakdale, is mandated to revise its Housing Element to meet specific requirements and submit the updated element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). A major component of this update is the 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment ("RHNA"), in which the State estimates each region's housing needs for all income groups.
If you have specific questions or would like to be added to the contact list for the Housing Element Update, please email to stay informed about opportunities to participate in the Housing Element Update.
Public Involvement
We want to hear from you! Please take this brief survey that addresses important Housing Element update topics.
Understanding the Housing Element
According to State law, the Housing Element must:
Formulate objectives, policies, quantified goals, and scheduled initiatives to preserve, enrich, and develop housing.
Identify and assess existing and projected housing demands for all economic segments within the community.
Specify suitable sites that are appropriately zoned and available over an 8-year housing cycle, catering to the city's equitable portion of regional housing needs across income levels.
Attain certification from the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for compliance with state regulations.
Maintain internal harmony with other components of the General Plan, a prerequisite for a legally sound General Plan.
Oakdale's Fair Share of RHNA
In line with the Stanislaus Council of Governments Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) methodology, Oakdale's equitable portion of the regional housing demand is projected to encompass 1,665 new housing units. This includes a minimum of 414 units for very-low-income residents (below 50% of the Area Median Income), 218 units for low-income individuals (50%-80% of AMI), 294 units for moderate-income households (80% to 120% of AMI), with the remainder constituting market-rate units free of income restrictions.
City of Oakdale 5th Cycle Housing Element (2015-2023)
City of Oakdale HCD Transmittal Letter Jan 15, 2025
City of Oakdale 6th Cycle Draft Housing Element Policy Document (2023-2031)
City of Oakdale Draft Technical Background Report (2023-2031)
City of Oakdale Draft Fair Housing Assessment (2023-2031)