Cowboy Capital of the World
Finance Department
280 N. Third Ave
Office Hours: 7:30-5:30 Monday - Thursday
Closed: Fridays and Holiday's
The Finance Department is responsible for providing quality service to the City's customers, which includes the preparation of the City's utility bills, monthly statements, and business licenses. The Finance Department also manages the City's finances, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, investments, purchasing, cash receipts and payroll and Information Technology.
The Finance Department manages and maintains the City's financial records in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and in compliance with state and federal laws. The Finance Department is committed to developing and maintaining effective and efficient financial planning, reporting and central support systems in order to provide the City Council, City Manager and other City officials with financial information on a timely and meaningful basis.
Audit Reports
Budget Reports
Landscape & Lighting Maintenance Districts
Disclosure Reports
Community Facilities Districts
Master Fee Schedule 2012 Fee Amendment
Water And Sewer Rates
Utility Service Disconnect Policy
Alternative Payment Plan & Agreement
AB 1600 Reporting
Business Licenses
The Finance Department provides the following services at the City Hall public counter for the convenience of our citizens:
Issuance of business licenses, water bill payments, dog license, and collection of various billings or assessments such as sidewalk repairs.
Other public services provided include responding to telephonic requests for information on assessment districts, water and sewer billings, transient occupancy tax compliance, business license, and dog license.
The Finance Department provides oversight for certain non-departmental general government contract services such as collection bureau, audit fees, tax roll collections by Stanislaus County, mandated costs claiming, and banking services.
Garage Sale Application

You must pick up an application at city hall for $5, preferably two days before the event itself. You can only have 3 applications during the year and must be within three consecutive days if you are desiring that (For Example: Friday-Sunday, not Monday,Wednesday, Friday). Please look up Chapter 36 of the Municipal Code for any further information.
Telephone Assistance
A Customer Service Representative is available during regular business hours.
Emergency Telephone Assistance
The after-hours emergency contact for water, streets, traffic, sewer, storm drain or park service is (800) 868-8750. For emergencies requiring Police, Fire, or Paramedic assistance, call 9-1-1.
Trash Collection and Disposal
The City of Oakdale contracts with Gilton Disposal to provide trash collection and disposal services. Gilton Disposal's customer service can be reached at (209) 527-3781.
After-Hours Payment Depository
The after-hours depository box is located at the City of Oakdale City Hall at 280 North Third Avenue, Oakdale, CA 95361. Payments placed in the deposit box after 3:00 pm will be posted the following business day.