Meeting Schedule: The meetings are held at the City Council Chambers at a minimum of twice per year and/or on an “as needed” basis.
Reviews the expenditures of revenues received from the ½ cent transactions and use (sales) tax (Measure O) approved by Oakdale voters on November 8, 2011, extended by way of approval of Measure Y by Oakdale voters on November 11, 2014, and further extended by way of approval of Measure H by Oakdale voters on November 5, 2019 to ensure the funds are spent in accordance with the ballot question.
Membership/Qualifications: A five regular member and two alternate member committee appointed for five years, the term of the tax. Members must be registered voters and reside within the Oakdale city limits.
Location: Council Chambers
277 North Second Avenue, Oakdale
Staff Contacts: Bryan Whitemyer, City Manager
Colleen Andersen, Council Services (209) 845-3573
Council Liaison: Fred Smith
Committee Members Reappointment Date Term Expiration
Rick Jones 04/2024 04/2028
Justin Bochmann 04/2024 04/2028
Cecilia Suarez 04/2024 04/2028
Ernest Valdez, Jr. 04/2024 04/2028
Vacant 04/2024 04/2028
Alternate Members Term Expiration
Vacant 04/2028
Vacant 04/2028